
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Minutes of the Branch Meeting Black Lion Lynsted 15th Nov 2023

Tuesday 21 November 2023

MINUTES OF THE SWALE CAMRA BRANCH OPEN BUSINESS MEETING HELD ON 15TH NOVEMBER 2023 AT 7.30PM AT THE BLACK LION, LYNSTED PRESENT: (9 MEMBERS): Les Bailey, Steve Bennion, Steve Bury (Chairman), Howard Gates, Lin Gates, Gary Holness, John Kent, John Sissons, and Andy. APOLOGIES: Doris, Mary Cross, Mick Drury, Tony Hayes, Simon Ing and Nigel Mills. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 11TH OCTOBER 2023: Considered, noted, agreed as a factual record of proceedings and signed off by Steve Bury. MATTERS ARISING: Howard again asked if he could be sent copies of the minutes of meetings and confirmation of dates and venues for future meetings so that he can add them to the Branch Website. Les to action accordingly.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Steve said that he had completed the CAMRA HQ Comms Tool online training course but that he still had some issues is using it to its full extent. He had attended the last Kent Regional Group meeting but the nature of the venue at the Ship Centurion in Whitstable had made it difficult to recall all the proceedings with complete clarity. A major issue was the proposed reduction in individual Branch Good Beer Guide (GBG) pub entries which could see Swale’s allocation fall to 11 by 2026. There seemed to be a policy from CAMRA HQ to gradually move away from a paper based GBG to an online version. This had both advantages in that the number of entries could perhaps be increased and pub information kept up to date in real time but also disadvantages if widely differing inclusion criteria were used. On this latter point several members drew attention to entries in the current GBG which included a pub which only sold keykeg and one which opens for functions and special events

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Les reported that, for a variety of logistical and seasonal reasons it would be advisable to schedule the presentation to the SHIPWRIGHTS ARMS, HOLLOWSHORE, of the Branch Certificate to mark 25 years of consecutive appearances in the Good Beer Guide for some time in early Spring 2024. Les will liase with the pub and Steve Bury and report back in due course.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Howard reported that the current balance of the Branch Account stands at £2,468.18 which is well above the maximum specified in CAMRA HQ guidance. The meeting agreed to remit £1,200.00 to CAMRA HQ to leave a balance of £1,268.18. Howard to action accordingly. Howard also advised that he had submitted the annual end of financial report to CAMRA HQ and would in due course move the Branch Accounts over to the CAMRA HQ COBAS system. The meeting agreed that this latter action should start by November 2024.

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY’S REPORT: Les, on behalf of Mary, reported as follows with all figures correct as of 5 November 2023: CAMRA TOTAL MEMBERSHIP - 151, 209 NEW MEMBERS – 1,547 LAPSED MEMBERS – 1,536 KENT TOTAL MEMBERSHIP – 4,801 NEW MEMBERS - 19 LAPSED MEMBERS – 53 SWALE TOTAL MEMBERSHIP - 374 NEW MEMBERS - 1 LAPSED MEMBERS – 5 I have been unable to send a new member greeting email to our new member, having no email contact details. I have continued to distribute membership/promotional materials to our pubs. By the time this report is presented I will have attended an online “Use of the Comms Tool” presentation organised by CAMRA (14th November), which I hope to find very useful.

SOCIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT: John Kent updated the meeting about the Xmas Social trip to Gravesend on December 2nd. For details see entry under DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS.

PUB OFFICERS REPORT: No report on this occasion in the absence of Tony Hayes and Nigel Mills.

WEBSITE OFFICER’S REPORT: In addition to comments made earlier under Matters Arising, Howard asked if he could also be sent information about Brewery News so that this too could be added to the Branch Website.

PUB NEWS: Noted that the Old House at Home, High Street, Sheerness has an outline planning application for conversion to residential but with a micropub option. However, there was some doubt as to whether this would be included in the final version. Further noted that the former micropub in Sheerness, A Wise Man, had closed and would revert to office accommodation. Mention was made of the fact that many pubs in the Branch area were altering their opening hours from summer to more restricted winter opening hours. Finally noted that, on behalf of CAMRA HQ, Andy Shaw is compiling a national list of permanently closed pubs.

EAST KENT DRINKER MAGAZINE: John Sissons reported that the first Edition had been well received and that arrangements were in hand to produce a second Edition early in 2024. Steve Bury reported that he had submitted three articles which had been edited. John Sissons would contribute a three-part article on beers and bars in Bruges and a crossword. Adverts had been confirmed from Shepherd Neame, Wantsum Brewery and The Elephant. John will ask Glyn Parry if there is any financial shortfall from the first Edition and advise Howard accordingly.

BREWERY REPORTS: Shepherd Neame: John Kent reported that he had visited the brewery on 17th October and met the new brewer (Rupert Hodgkins), provided the following update. The role out of Cask Club ales would continue with an Xmas Ale; although Cob Nut would be postponed. A keg conditioned ale called “First Drop IPA”, 4.3% abv has been produced with passionfruit, peach and mango additions. Spitfire Gold is now only is now only available in bottles.

John would raise with the brewery what support they might be able to offer when the Branch run a beer stall at the Faversham Hop Festival. Finally, CAMRA members are eligle for a 10% discount on online orders by using the code “SNTreat10”. Mad Cat: BLO Les Bailey reported that the Brewery was producing a christmas ale - “CHRISTMAS JUMPER”, 5.4% abv, which contains Scotch, Bourbon, Vanilla extract and Oak chips. It is available in bottles now and will be in cask in December. The Brewery is also now co-delivering Brogdale ciders. They will have a beer stall in the Market Place at the Faversham Christmas Lights Switch On.

GOOD BEER GUIDE – BRANCH SELECTION PROCEDURE: Steve Bury asked if the Branch had a written procedure for selecting pubs for inclusion in the Good Beer Guide (GBG). John Sissons responded by saying that various procedures had been adopted on an ad hoc basis in the past. In the immediate past few years selection for the longlist of pubs to be visited and surveyed had been based on information obtained from National Beer Scoring Scheme (NBSS) data, What Pub reports, members direct suggestions and past GBG entries. John offered to collate and present this information again to assist with next year's GBG nominations.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS: No other business. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS: SATURDAY 2ND DECEMBER – BRANCH XMAS SOCIAL OUTING TO GRAVESEND – depart Faversham Station 11.00am; depart Sittingbourne Station at 11.1-0am; arrive Gravesend at 11.45: 1. THREE PILLARS, Wrotham Street (Les to ask them to open at 11.45am); 2. RUM PUNCHEON, West Street with option to visit almost adjacent THREE DAWS; 3. JOLLY DRAYMAN, Love Lane/Wellington Street; 4. MOLE HOLE MICRO PUB, High Street; and 5. COMPASSES MICRO PUB, Manor Road It was decided that rather than trying to include The Iron Pier Brewery Tap that this should be left to a future occasion. WEDNESDAY 13TH DECEMBER – 7.30PM - THE PILOTS REST, HIGH STREET, SHEERNESS WEDNESDAY 10TH JANUARY 2024 – 7.30PM - THE YELLOW STOCKS, HIGH STREET, SITTINGBOURNE. WEDNESDAY 21ST FEBRUARY 2024 – 7.30PM - MARKET INN, WHITSTABLE ROAD, FAVERSHAM (to be confirmed by Les Bailey). The meeting closed at 9.30pm.